5 Tips To Take Care Of Your House Windows

Your house windows are an integral part of your home. Therefore, you need to take care of them regularly to make sure they are aesthetically pleasing and durable. Here are the best 5 tips to help you take care of your house windows.

1. Lubricate And Clean Window Tracks

Window tracks often accumulate dead insects and dust. If you are having a hard time closing or opening your windows, it’s because you need to clear out the tracks. Using a few Q-tips and vinegar, you will be able to clear this out effortlessly. You can do this once every 2-3 months to reduce the accumulation of debris in your window tracks.

On the other hand, if your windows are still getting stuck after cleaning, you may consider lubricating the tracks. Once you are done cleaning, you need to lubricate the tracks using a silicone-based product. Don’t use products that may end up gumming up the tracks to make everything worse.

2. Wash The Window Panes To Reduce Condensation

If you notice too much condensation on the windowpanes, you need start cleaning them regularly. When doing this, you need to use a gentle glass cleaner and microfiber for the best results. Make sure you clean your window panes from the inside at least once every week. The outside doesn’t need to be done frequently so once a month is a good idea.

3. Inspect For Cracks In The Sealing, Wood And Glass

Is there a lot of moisture in your home after regular window maintenance? Well, you need to inspect a little further. If there are cracks in the wood, glass or sealing, your windows may not be working as required.

Fix these cracks as fast as possible to repel excess moisture from your home with a few DIY tutorials. You can do this effortlessly using a repair kit. For instance, if you are repairing cracked window sealing, you can do so effortlessly using a caulk gun.

4. Repair Any Window Damage Immediately

If there is any type of damage to your window, you need to fix it immediately. If you ignore it for a little longer, things may get worse and the repair will be more costly. If you notice anything from a dirty track, cracks in the sealing or much more, take the time to fix them to avoid waste of time and energy later on.

5. Do Regular Maintenance On Your Windows

Besides cleaning and repairing your windows, you need to perform regular maintenance tasks to keep your windows looking brand new for longer. First, you need to check the weather stripping for any type of damage and fix it immediately. Next, you need to lubricate the hinges and other moving parts of your window to prevent further damage. Finally, don’t forget to tighten the screws and bolts to prevent damage to any other parts of your window.


With time, you may be forced to replace your windows, especially if you have had them for 10 to 15 years. Therefore, make sure you perform these regular tips to keep them functioning for longer.

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